Dog Whistling To Erase Women’s Rights

Men can offer support to women in their struggle for liberation and equality. However, men cannot lead that struggle. That has to come from women. But, as a man, I can point out to women feminists that signs are present that may indicate that things are going down that are defeating your movement by nefarious means and subterfuge. It might not hurt if you would take a look to see whether you agree with my interpretation.

You may think you won something, for example, when Title IX passed. But I think there is a movement to repeal it in effect, without any official repeal in Congress. Instead, this effective repeal is happening by redefining the terms used in the law. If the redefinition of “woman” gains mindshare, the law is rendered ineffective.

A party purporting to represent the people cannot attract broad and lasting support by spouting dogwhistle terms.

As I read it, “transphobia”, “TERF talking points”, and “trans people” are dogwhistle for the following meanings:

  1. We will erase the term “woman” from your vocabulary, so that you cannot stand up for women’s rights. We will erase it by substituting a different meaning for the meaning it has had, or by making it meaningless, as anyone who says he is a woman, we will declare that he is just as much a woman as a woman is. Advocates of the term “trans” rarely respond to a request for a definition. But when a definition does come across, it is simply that anyone who applies the term to himself qualifies. He is said to be a “transwoman” and I am admonished, when I try to talk about women and their rights and privileges, that “transwomen are women”. So when you put the definition of “transwoman” together with the dictate, enforced via banishment and cancellation, that “transwomen are women”, the upshot of that combination of memes is the implication that the term “woman” must now include every man who declares himself. This takes away the concept of woman, and thus of women’s rights. It’s extremely Orwellian.
  2. There can be no girls’ and women’s sports.
  3. There can be no changing rooms for girls and women at the gym.

If someone who advocates the term “transphobia” as though it denoted a real thing thinks it isn’t dogwhistle for all the above, please lay out what separates the practice of people who use this term from the above advocacies that I accuse you of promoting covertly.

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