Queries On “Gender” As A Term Applied To People

Have you personally seen or read or heard any evidence, or thought of any logic or argument, that convinces you that “gender” applied to persons is anything other than a social contagion? If you read it, would you cite it for me? When you read, are you able to distinguish signal from noise?

Do you regard just anyone who describes himself as “trans” as trans? Do you regard just anyone who does not describe himself as “trans” as not trans?

Posted in child protection, human rights, semantics, society, women's rights | Leave a comment

Frequency of Regret Does Not Argue For Gender

Preachers of gender (outside linguistics) bring an argument in favor of gender-affirming surgery for all ages, to the effect that some studies find a low regret rate for this kind of surgery as compared to a number of other types, including body contouring. However, this is not an argument to the effect that gender propaganda is not misleading, nor is it an argument to the effect that gender propaganda is not false. I say that if there is even one person who was under 18 when she received such surgery and who now regrets it, and even one person who received it between the ages of 18 and 30 who now regrets it, then those two people were mislead by gender propaganda, and therefore, it is misleading propaganda.

As for whether it is false propaganda, the frequency argument does not address this at all. It just assumes the conclusion. I argue that gender is false on the grounds that the preachers for it have never brought an operational definition, a procedure to test for it. The same argument applies to gods (including Yaweh) and to the alleged category of “Operating Thetan” for persons. If there is no evidence for the alleged category, it should be regarded as false, because otherwise, all kinds of noise gets to invade communication and make it ineffective.

Now some of the preachers argue that gender-affirming surgery saves lives. If they think that some suicides were related to the gender concept or to whether it was affirmed via surgery, I would like them to explain their grounds for thinking the suicides would have happened had the young victims not been introduced to gender in the first place. Maybe the gender propaganda was the cause. How do we know?

I would like the pro-gender crowd to answer as to whether they think a State has a legitimate interest in limiting the severity with which a parent may abuse a child under 18. Or do they think that parents own their children and have a right to do anything they please to the child?

The preachers of gender accuse anyone who argues against gender of being “anti-trans” or “transphobic”. I would like them to make clear when they wield those terms as to whether they mean by it that I want to do physical harm to another person. I submit that dancing around that question and dogwhistling about it is dishonest and antisemantic. If you are accusing me of advocating harming a person, you should say so in clear, simple, and unambiguous terms, and then point out where in my writing I say or imply that.

Am I angry with antisemantic writers and speakers? Absolutely. In my opinion, it is a form of torture. Obviously it is not as severe a form of torture as tying someone up and cutting or burning them, but even so, it a gratuitous effort to cause mental confusion and distress in the listener/reader. I call on all to speak in straightforward and honest terms.

Read and Learn

I am told that I am illiterate and immature and that I should read about gender. Why should I invest the time? Those who say this to me must have read some of it themselves. Why can’t they recall and regurgitate even the smallest piece of evidence or logic that would give meaning to assigned gender, gender identity, or gender expression? I think they are lying and don’t know, and can’t find it, laid out in a way that makes sense, in the “literature”.

“You don’t want trans people to exist.”

What I might want or not want is irrelevant to the question of whether the gender concept (applied to people) is false and misleading propaganda (FMP). What I might want is irrelevant to the question of whether it is ever OK to subject a healthy child to surgery.

Moreover, “you don’t want trans people to exist” is ambiguous. You have chosen ambiguous language for the purpose of causing mental distress, because you are a congenital torturer. “You don’t want trans people to exist” could mean that I don’t want the term to become meaningful, which I deny, or it could mean that there are living people that I don’t want them to exist anymore, which I also deny, and whoever accuses me of that has the burden of citing a reason to think it. If in fact someone were to provide a meaningful definition of “trans”, that would make my life much simpler, so in fact I ardently desire that.


Listen to the words you use. “Care.” Caring about someone is inconsistent with wishing mutilation on them for a social contagion. I’m not saying the law should prohibit a mature adult from having whatever she or he wants done to her or his body. But promoting the contagion to where children and their parents can be influenced by it is harmful. No child should be subjected to a risk of duplicating Chloe Cole’s experience. She was cut in childhood and her wounds were still weeping some time after she had turned 18; I don’t know her latest condition. I hope she survives for a long time and heals enough so as to avoid pain and not leak bodily fluids. You genderites are really evil for what you did to her. And now you say you have never heard her name. Fuck you.

Air Quotes

Sometimes when genderites are reviewing the statements of those who question or deny gender, the former will put up air quotes whenever the latter mention men, women, girls, or boys. This is evil. You have no right to take away our language. Men, women, boys, and girls exist and are valid subjects of conversation. Fuck all Gish imitators in the mouth.

“Trans people exist!”

All people exist. But “trans” is not a term for a category that divides the people into “trans” and “not trans”. If you think it is a term for a category, you should forthrightly say which people qualify. None of you has ever done so. Fuck you.

Turning the Conversation Against the Speaker

No gender advocate speaks honestly. You try to change the subject from the questions about the gender concept to the people arguing against you. That’s a deliberate distraction from the subject we want to bring up with you. You are the bigots here.

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Tweets Related To Revolution Against The US

I will give the list below, but first, I will give a thought or two that I have on this.

A voting system that accords the voters equality of influence would have revolutionary effect, because it would take away the main tool used by the MIC to keep us out of power. This is being tried for some municipal elections in Fargo and St. Louis, but we need to extend it to higher offices.

I suggest for the first steps to revolution:

  • Form an organization for the purpose, that does not initially state what the new gov’t would look like, for lack of sufficient count of members to come to a popularly supported stance on that. But the points of agreement would say that the current regime isn’t acceptable.
  • Welcome all to join.
  • Actively recruit more members, trying for at least half the US population.
  • From time to time, use either representation or democracy internally to revisit the messaging used for recruitment.

Anyway, here is the list.

“think tank” https://twitter.com/e_galv/status/1365330575662452737
See also https://twitter.com/CptJinglePants/status/1782941410796491069

Posted in antiimperialism, Democratic Republicanism, global warming, human rights, peace, regime change, society, voting systems | Leave a comment

Gender is FMP

The concept of gender outside of linguistics is false and misleading propaganda (FMP). First I will argue that it is misleading, then will get to the “false” part.

  • Misleading — Gender misleads young people into sacrificing their physiological wholeness. Often, between the ages of 18 and 30, the youth have not matured enough to make good judgments when presented with misleading messages. Some have expressed regret about allowing themselves to be mutilated. As for those under 18, obviously even from a legal standpoint, they cannot give consent. However, the gender message has mislead some of their parents into allowing the mutilations.
  • False — There is no evidence for gender.

In summary, if Yaweh did exist, he would deserve damnation into his own hell for allowing this shit to progress so far as it has.

Posted in child protection, semantics, society | Leave a comment

Discrimination Based On Political Position

A voter should be the one to determine which candidates her or his vote supports and opposes. In an N-candidate election for a single seat or office, voters who want to oppose fewer than N – 1 are told to lump it. They are denied the right to cast a vote that reflects their political judgment. But other voters, the ones who want to support exactly one candidate and oppose the rest, get to cast the vote that reflects their judgment. What grounds there are to justify telling someone what vote to cast instead of leaving it to the voter? What grounds are there to accept some voters’ votes the way they want to cast them, but tell others, no, you can’t vote the way you feel or judge? You have to choose from options that don’t correspond to your political stance.

This is not more moral than excluding some voters because of their color. It’s a different rule of discrimination, but it is still an immoral form of discrimination.

Equality, one voter to another, should be provided because it is a civil and political right in a representative republic.

Equality is also demanded by Wesberry vs. Sanders.

Any of a number of proposed alternative voting systems provide equality in the voting booth. Among them are Approval Voting, Score Voting, STAR Voting, and Smith // Score. Approval is the simplest. You get to oppose whichever candidates you choose to. For example, you could oppose just one, all but one, or half of them. This should be recognized as your political and civil right.

Providing equality may have revolutionary effect, deposing the MIC and putting the general public in charge, because with equality, votes will not split. The voter can support all candidates with whom the voter agrees on issues, and there will be no spoilers. Vote splitting is the reason people feel they have to vote for Fascist A or Fascist B. With equal voting, the only support that fascists shall receive will come from genuine fascist voters who support those candidates. Candidates shall receive no compromise support from voters who don’t want them and who assume that moral candidates cannot win. With equality, moral candidates will win if a large enough proportion of the public wants them. This is very different from how the US has been operating to date. It will amount to a revolution.

RCV-IRV-Hare is not a solution.

Do you know yet, or what?


A Twitter user points out, “All US ‘elections’ are stolen because the oligarchs buy the candidates.”.

I agree that all US elections are stolen. But let’s look at the systemic explanation for why it’s possible for the oligarchs to buy the candidates.

Look at why money makes a difference, when it’s almost free to put up a website. The voting system allows vote splitting. This gives voters an incentive to seek a bandwagon to join. Reporters take care to say how big a war chest each candidate has. Money is a leading indicator of a bandwagon, statistically. That’s what gives it power. If vote splitting is defeated, money will be, too.

Progress and Experience

Equality is already in effect for some municipal offices in Fargo and St. Louis.

Posted in Democratic Republicanism, regime change, voting systems | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Link and summary: Grounds for Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Russia’s existence at stake.
  • Nazis siezed power in Ukraine.
  • Appeasement a mistake.
  • Expansion of NATO toward Russian border.
  • Negotiations rejected.
  • Promise not to expand NATO one inch east, conned Russia.
  • West designated Russia as enemy.
  • NATO bombing of Serbia.
  • Invasion of Iraq.
  • US involvement in Syria.
  • Libya.
  • Lies about WMD.
  • NATO open about intent to bring weapons to Russian borders even more.
  • Ukraine a de-facto NATO member posing greatest threat to Russia.
  • Hostility against Russia being built up next thereto, controlled from outside.
Posted in antiimperialism, human rights | Leave a comment

Key Questions To Put To Political Candidates

Where do you stand on:

  • Spreading the implementation of Wesberry vs. Sanders to higher offices than the municipal ones of Fargo and St. Louis?
  • Continued US support for Zionism?
  • The US continuing as a member of NATO?
  • Legislation (maybe at the State level) to forbid surgery on healthy children?
Posted in antiimperialism, child protection, Democratic Republicanism, Energy, global warming, human rights, minority-rule-by-force, peace, politicians, semantics, society, voting systems, women's rights | Leave a comment

“No Human Being Is Illegal” — Tricky Rhetoric

This is deceptive rhetoric. All of you “no human being is illegal” people know that we are not saying the human being is illegal, only her presence, which is clearly in violation of US law. “Illegal immigrant” obviously does not mean ‘human being who is illegal and who also happens to be an immigrant’. It means someone whose immigration is illegal. Someone who immigrated in violation of the law. Don’t use language tricks; say what you actually want, say what actually holds true, and talk about the difference between those things in an honest fashion.

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Bad Karma

It’s important, in my opinion, to distinguish between mere “propaganda” and ‘false and misleading propaganda’ (FMP). You may see the notion of karma as false, or nondescriptive of anything that happens in physics. But I argue that it is not wholly misleading propaganda. It is correctly-leading in that it encourages right actions and discourages wrong actions.

I say that given that Mr. Biden sits in the orifice of the Presidency of the United Snakes, bad karma from his bad actions in the course of said orifice rubs off on all US citizens. These actions include bombing children and denying them anesthesia for when they have to have limbs amputated, and evidently denying them antibiotics, too. They include promoting a political faction that burned people alive in Odessa in 2014.

The citizens of the US should see this backslpatter of bad karma that spreads onto themselves as an emergency. It justifies regime change in every State and in the US as a whole, and right sudden-like.

If there were a just god, this would not be happening to us.

Posted in antiimperialism, child protection, Democratic Republicanism, global warming, human rights, peace, politicians, regime change | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Abigail Spanberger Must Have Changed Her Mind

Spanberger is a US Congresswoman from Virginia.

According to her own ‘blog, in Oct. of 2021 she introduced legislation to “Prohibit Arms Sales to Countries Committing Genocide or War Crimes”.

However, by Oct. 10, 2023, she had reversed her position, joining in support of Zionism.

She does not deserve support with money or votes.

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